Films on Trial
We take films and we put them on trial!
We found 2 episodes of Films on Trial with the tag “idris elba”.
The Suicide Squad
August 16th, 2021 | Season 4 | 1 hr 2 mins
cinema, cinemaphile, dc, films, harley quinn, idris elba, john cena, margot robbie, movie lover, movie review, movies, suicide squad
The Suicide Squad (2021) is in the hot seat this week. Does James Gunn hit the bullseye or has he jumped the shark?!
The Dark Tower
April 23rd, 2021 | Season 4 | 59 mins 58 secs
cinema, cinemaphile, films, idris elba, matthew mcconaughey, movie lover, movie review, movies, stephen king, the dark tower
Our Stephen King season continues as we put The Dark Tower on trial this week. Is it locked and loaded or firing blanks?