Films on Trial
We take films and we put them on trial!
We found 3 episodes of Films on Trial with the tag “star wars”.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
May 31st, 2018 | Season 2 | 1 hr 35 secs
chewbacca, cinema, cinemaphile, films, hansolo, movie lover, movie review, movies, solo, star wars
This episode contains SPOILERS
Gav and Ausy went to watch Solo this week. Captain Dave is this week's judge while they put it on trial.
Is this going to be the best origin story in the galaxy or is Dave right to have a bad feeling about it? -
2017 review
January 2nd, 2018 | Season 2 | 50 mins 1 sec
bright, luke skywalker, mark ham it up, mark hamill, mary poppins, movie review, star wars, the last jedi, will smith
The guys get together to discuss the ups and downs of films in 2017. Nothing officially on trial this week, just plenty of opinions about Star Wars and the big news stories in the movie industry this year. Back to normal scheduling on Friday!!
Jingle all the Way
December 27th, 2017 | Season 2 | 1 hr 9 mins
arnie, arnold schwarzenegger, christmas, christmas films, dc, festive film review, jingle bells, marvel, star wars, woody harrelson
This week sees the last of the Christmas specials, as Gav puts his favorite festive film on trial.